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e 2012

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E 2012(E)-1-[(1S)-1-(4-氟苯基)乙基]-3-[3-甲氧基-4-(4-甲基-1H-咪唑-1-YL)亚苄基]哌啶-2-酮
E 2012 是一种γ 分泌酶调节剂,不会影响 Notch 加工,在胆固醇生物合成的末步抑制 3β-羟基固醇 Δ24-还原酶。它能够减少淀粉样蛋白 β-42 减少阿兹海默氏病,并在大鼠多次重复给药后诱发白内障。
  • ¥ 248
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
2-Fluoro-4-iodo benzonitrile
2-Fluoro-4-iodo benzonitrile is a building block.1,2It has been used in the synthesis ofL. infantumtrypanothione reductase (Li-TryR) dimerization and oxidoreductase activity inhibitors.12-Fluoro-4-iodo benzonitrile has also been used in the synthesis of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) antagonists.2 1.Revuelto, A., Ruiz-Santaquiteria, M., de Lucio, H., et al.Pyrrolopyrimidine vs imidazole-phenyl-thiazole scaffolds in nonpeptidic dimerization inhibitors of Leishmania infantum trypanothione reductaseACS Infect. Dis.5(6)873-891(2019) 2.Vallin, K.S., Sterky, K.J., Nyman, E., et al.N-1-Alkyl-2-oxo-2-aryl amides as novel antagonists of the TRPA1 receptorBioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.22(17)5485-5492(2012)
  • ¥ 857
3-hydroxy Myristic Acid methyl ester
3-hydroxy Myristic acid methyl ester is a hydroxylated fatty acid methyl ester that has been found in E. camaldulensis and E. torelliana extracts. [1] It is active against M. tuberculosis (MIC = 49.5 μg/ml) and is non-cytotoxic to Vero cells (IC50 = >100 μM). 3-hydroxy Myristic acid methyl ester is also a volatile compound that contributes to the aroma of red wild strawberries (F. pentaphylla) but is not present in cultivated strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa).[2] Reference:[1]. Lawal, T.O., Adeniyi, B.A., Adegoke, A.O., et al. In vitro susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to extracts of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus torelliana and isolated compounds. Pharm. Biol. 50(1), 92-98 (2012).[2]. Duan, W., Sun, P., Chen, L., et al. Comparative analysis of fruit volatiles and related gene expression between the wild strawberry Fragaria pentaphylla and cultivated Fragaria × ananassa. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 244(1), 57-72 (2018).
  • ¥ 3970
Alaproclate (hydrochloride)
Alaproclate is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).1,2 It inhibits depletion of serotonin (5-HT) induced by 4-methyl-α-ethyl-m-tyramine in rat cerebral cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and striatum (EC50s = 18, 4, 8, and 12 mg kg, respectively).1 Alaproclate inhibits NMDA-evoked currents and depolarization-induced voltage-dependent potassium currents in rat hippocampal neurons (IC50s = 1.1 and 6.9 μM, respectively) and does not inhibit GABA-evoked currents when used at concentrations up to 100 μM.2 It increases sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) levels in N2a murine neuroblastoma cells expressing apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4; IC50 = 2.3 μM) and in the hippocampus in the FXFAD-ApoE4 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease when administered at a dose of 20 mg kg twice daily.3 Alaproclate (40 mg kg) decreases immobility time in the forced swim test in rats, indicating antidepressant-like activity.4References1. Michael, G.B., Eidam, C., Kadlec, K., et al. Increased MICs of gamithromycin and tildipirosin in the presence of the genes erm(42) and msr(E)-mph(E) for bovine Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 67(6), 1555-1557 (2012).2. Svensson, B.E., Werkman, T.R., and Rogawski, M.A. Alaproclate effects on voltage-dependent K+ channels and NMDA receptors: Studies in cultured rat hippocampal neurons and fibroblast cells transformed with Kv1.2 K+ channel cDNA. Neuropharmacology 33(6), 795-804 (1994).3. Campagna, J., Soilman, P., Jagodzinska, B., et al. A small molecule ApoE4-targeted therapeutic candidate that normalizes sirtuin 1 levels and improves cognition in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. Sci. Rep. 8(1), 17574 (2018).4. Danysz, W.P., A., Kostowski, W., Malatynska, E., et al. Comparison of desipramine, amitriptyline, zimeldine and alaproclate in six animal models used to investigate antidepressant drugs. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 62(1), 42-50 (1988). Alaproclate is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).1,2 It inhibits depletion of serotonin (5-HT) induced by 4-methyl-α-ethyl-m-tyramine in rat cerebral cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and striatum (EC50s = 18, 4, 8, and 12 mg kg, respectively).1 Alaproclate inhibits NMDA-evoked currents and depolarization-induced voltage-dependent potassium currents in rat hippocampal neurons (IC50s = 1.1 and 6.9 μM, respectively) and does not inhibit GABA-evoked currents when used at concentrations up to 100 μM.2 It increases sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) levels in N2a murine neuroblastoma cells expressing apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4; IC50 = 2.3 μM) and in the hippocampus in the FXFAD-ApoE4 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease when administered at a dose of 20 mg kg twice daily.3 Alaproclate (40 mg kg) decreases immobility time in the forced swim test in rats, indicating antidepressant-like activity.4 References1. Michael, G.B., Eidam, C., Kadlec, K., et al. Increased MICs of gamithromycin and tildipirosin in the presence of the genes erm(42) and msr(E)-mph(E) for bovine Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 67(6), 1555-1557 (2012).2. Svensson, B.E., Werkman, T.R., and Rogawski, M.A. Alaproclate effects on voltage-dependent K+ channels and NMDA receptors: Studies in cultured rat hippocampal neurons and fibroblast cells transformed with Kv1.2 K+ channel cDNA. Neuropharmacology 33(6), 795-804 (1994).3. Campagna, J., Soilman, P., Jagodzinska, B., et al. A small molecule ApoE4-targeted therapeutic candidate that normalizes sirtuin 1 levels and improves cognition in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. Sci. Rep. 8(1), 17574 (2018).4. Danysz, W.P., A., Kostowski, W., Malatynska, E., et al. Comparison of desipramine, amitriptyline, zimeldine and alaproclate in six animal models used to investigate antidepressant drugs. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 62(1), 42-50 (1988).
  • ¥ 1298
8(E),10(E),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic Acid
8(E),10(E),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic acid is a conjugated polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) that has been found inC. officinalisseed oil and has anticancer activity.1,2,3It inhibits the growth of Caco-2 cells when used at concentrations ranging from 10 to 50 μM.28(E),10(E),12(Z)-Octadecatrienoic acid (10 μM) induces formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and apoptosis in DLD-1 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells.3It also inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis in sheep vesicular gland microsomes (IC50= 31 μM).4 1.Crombie, L., and Holloway, S.J.The biosynthesis of calendic acid, octadeca-(8E,10E, 12Z)-trienoic, acid, by developing marigold seeds: origins of (E,E,Z) and (Z,E,Z) conjugated triene acids in higher plantsJ. Chem. Soc. Perk. T. 12425-2434(1985) 2.Yasui, Y., Hosokawa, M., Kohno, H., et al.Growth inhibition and apoptosis induction by all-trans-conjugated linolenic acids on human colon cancer cellsAnticancer Res.26(3A)1855-1860(2006) 3.Shinohara, N., Ito, J., Tsuduki, T., et al.Jacaric acid, a linolenic acid isomer with a conjugated triene system, reduces stearoyl-CoA desaturase expression in liver of miceJ. Oleo Sci.61(8)433-441(2012) 4.Nugteren, D.H., and Christ-Hazelhof, E.Naturally occurring conjugated octadecatrienoic acids are strong inhibitors of prostaglandin biosynthesisProstaglandins33(3)403-417(1987)
  • ¥ 7640
NG 25 (hydrochloride hydrate)
NG 25 is a type II kinase inhibitor that inhibits MAP4K2 and TAK1 (IC50s = 21.7 and 149 nM, respectively).1It also inhibits the Src family kinases Src and LYN (IC50s = 113 and 12.9 nM, respectively) and Abl family kinases (IC50s = 75.2 nM), as well as CSK, FER, and p38α (IC50s = 56.4, 82.3, and 102 nM, respectively). NG 25 (100 nM) prevents TNF-α-induced IKKα/β phosphorylation and IκB-α degradation in L929 cells. It inhibits secretion of IFN-α and IFN-β induced by CpG type B and CL097, respectively, in Gen2.2 cells in a concentration-dependent manner.2NG 25 decreases cell viability of HCT116KRASWT, and to a greater degree of HCT116KRASG13D, colorectal cancer cells in a concentration-dependent manner.3It also reduces tumor growth and increases the number of TUNEL-positive tumor cells in a CT26KRASG12Dmouse orthotopic model of colorectal cancer. 1.Tan, L., Nomanbhoy, T., Gurbani, D., et al.Discovery of type II inhibitors of TGFβ-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2 (MAP4K2)J. Med. Chem.58(1)183-196(2015) 2.Pauls, E., Shpiro, N., Peggie, M., et al.Essential role for IKKβ in production of type 1 interferons by plasmacytoid dendritic cellsJ. Biol. Chem. 287(23)19216-19228(2012) 3.Ma, Q., Gu, L., Liao, S., et al.NG25, a novel inhibitor of TAK1, suppresses KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer growth in vitro and in vivoApoptosis24(1-2)83-94(2019)
  • ¥ 945
Napyradiomycin A1Napyradiomycin A1
Napyradiomycin A1is a fungal metabolite originally isolated fromC. rubraand has diverse biological activities.1,2It is active againstS. aureus,M. luteus,B. anthracis,C. bovis, andM. smegmatis(MICs = 1.56-12.5 μg ml).1Napyradiomycin A1is an estrogen receptor antagonist (IC50= 4.2 μM in rat uterine homogenates).2It also inhibits mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) and succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex II) activities in bovine heart homogenates (IC50s = 20 and 9.7 μM, respectively).3 1.Shiomi, K., Iinuma, H., Hamada, M., et al.Novel antibiotics napyradiomycins. Production, isolation, physico-chemical properties and biological activityJ. Antibiot. (Tokyo)39(4)487-493(1986) 2.Hori, Y., Abe, Y., Shigematsu, N., et al.Napyradiomycins A and B1: Non-steroidal estrogen-receptor antagonists produced by a StreptomycesJ. Antibiot. (Tokyo)46(12)1890-1893(1993) 3.Yamamoto, K., Tashiro, E., Motohashi, K., et al.Napyradiomycin A1, an inhibitor of mitochondrial complexes I and IIJ. Antibiot. (Tokyo)65(4)211-214(2012)
  • ¥ 3300
(E)-10-Hydroxynortriptyline (E-10-OH-NT) is a metabolite of Nortriptyline . Nortriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant and the main active metabolite of Amitriptyline, and is used to relieve the symptoms of depression[1]. [1]. Shimoda K, et al. The impact of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 genotypes on metabolism of amitriptyline in Japanese psychiatric patients. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2002 Aug;22(4):371-8. [2]. Shimoda K, et al. Dean L. Amitriptyline Therapy and CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 Genotype. Biotechnology Information (US); 2012-2017 Mar 23.
    9(S),12(S),13(S)-TriHOME is a linoleic acid-derived oxylipin that has diverse biological activities.1,2,3,4It has been found in various plants and is produced in human eosinophils in a 15-lipoxygenase-dependent, soluble epoxide hydrolase-independent manner.1,59(S),12(S)13(S)-TriHOME inhibits antigen-induced β-hexosaminidase release from RBL-2H3 mast cells (IC50= 28.7 μg ml).2It inhibits LPS-induced nitric oxide (NO) production in BV-2 microglia (IC50= 40.95 μM).3In vivo, 9(S),12(S),13(S)-TriHOME (1 g animal) enhances the antiviral IgA and IgG antibody responses induced by a nasal influenza hemagglutinin (HA) vaccine by 5.2- and 2-fold, respectively, in mice.4 1.Hamberg, M., and Hamberg, G.Peroxygenase-catalyzed fatty acid epoxidation in cereal seeds: Sequential oxidation of linoleic acid into 9(S),12(S),13(S)-trihydroxy-10(E)-octadecenoic acidPlant Physiol.110(3)807-815(1996) 2.Hong, S.S., and Oh, J.S.Inhibitors of antigen-induced degranulation of RBL-2H3 cells isolated from wheat branJ. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem.5569-74(2012) 3.Kim, C.S., Kwon, O.W., Kim, S.Y., et al.Five new oxylipins from Chaenomeles sinensisLipids49(11)1151-1159(2014) 4.Shirahata, T., Sunazuka, T., Yoshida, K., et al.Total synthesis, elucidation of absolute stereochemistry, and adjuvant activity of trihydroxy fatty acidsTetrahedron62(40)9483-9496(2006) 5.Fuchs, D., Tang, X., Johnsson, A.-K., et al.Eosinophils synthesize trihydroxyoctadecenoic acids (TriHOMEs) via a 15-lipoxygenase dependent processBiochim. Biophys. Acta Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids1865(4)158611(2020)
    • ¥ 18276
    9(E),11(E)-12-nitro Conjugated Linoleic Acid
    9(E),11(E)-12-nitro Conjugated linoleic acid (9(E),11(E)-12-nitro CLA) is a nitrated fatty acid. It is formed from 9(Z),11(E)-CLA upon exposure to acidified nitrite, peroxynitrite, gaseous nitrogen dioxide, or a combination of myeloperoxidase, hydrogen peroxide, and nitrite.1It is also formed in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages, an effect that can be reduced by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor L-NAME .29(E),11(E)-12-nitro CLA has been found in human plasma. 1.Woodcock, S.R., Salvatore, S.R., Bonacci, G., et al.Biomimetic nitration of conjugated linoleic acid: Formation and characterization of naturally occurring conjugated nitrodienesJ. Org. Chem.79(1)25-33(2014) 2.Bonacci, G., Baker, P.R.S., Salvatore, S.R., et al.Conjugated linoleic acid is a preferential substrate for fatty acid nitrationJ. Biol. Chem.287(53)44071-44082(2012)
    • ¥ 647