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G-418 disulfateGeneticin,G418 Sulfate,Antibiotic G-418 sulfate,Geneticin sulfate,遗传霉素
G-418 disulfate (Geneticin sulfate) 属于氨基糖苷类抗生素,是一种蛋白质合成的抑制剂,具有真核细胞选择性。G-418 disulfate 通过抑制肽链的延伸来阻断多肽合成。
  • ¥ 331
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TargetMol | Citations 客户已引用
Urocortin III (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)
Urocortin III is a neuropeptide hormone and member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family which includes mammalian CRF , urocortin , urocortin II , frog sauvagine, and piscine urotensin I.1 Human urocortin III shares 90, 40, 37, and 21% identity to mouse urocortin III , mouse urocortin II , human urocortin , and mouse urocortin, respectively. Urocortin III selectively binds to type 2 CRF receptors (Kis = 21.7, 13.5, and >100 nM for rat CRF2α, rat CRF2β, and human CRF1, respectively). It stimulates cAMP production in CHO cells expressing rat CRF2α and mouse CRF2β (EC50s = 0.16 and 0.12 nM, respectively) as well as cultured anterior pituitary cells expressing endogenous CRF2β. Urocortin III is co-released with insulin to potentiate glucose-stimulated somatostatin release in vitro in human pancreatic β-cells.2 In vivo, urocortin III reduces food intake in a dose- and time-dependent manner in mice with a minimum effective dose (MED) of 0.3 nmol/animal.3 It increases swimming time in a forced swim test in mice, indicating antidepressant-like activity.4References1. Lewis, K., Li, C., Perrin, M.H., et al. Identification of urocortin III, an additional member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family with high affinity for the CRF2 receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98(13), 7570-7575 (2001).2. van der Meulen, T., Donaldson, C.J., Cáceres, E., et al. Urocortin3 mediates somatostatin-dependent negative feedback control of insulin secretion. Nat. Med. 21(7), 769-776 (2015).3. Pelleymounter, M.A., Joppa, M., Ling, N., et al. Behavioral and neuroendocrine effects of the selective CRF2 receptor agonists urocortin II and urocortin III. Peptides 25(4), 659-666 (2004).4. Tanaka, M., Kádár, K., Tóth, G., et al. Antidepressant-like effects of urocortin 3 fragments. Brain Res. Bull. 84(6), 414-418 (2011). Urocortin III is a neuropeptide hormone and member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family which includes mammalian CRF , urocortin , urocortin II , frog sauvagine, and piscine urotensin I.1 Human urocortin III shares 90, 40, 37, and 21% identity to mouse urocortin III , mouse urocortin II , human urocortin , and mouse urocortin, respectively. Urocortin III selectively binds to type 2 CRF receptors (Kis = 21.7, 13.5, and >100 nM for rat CRF2α, rat CRF2β, and human CRF1, respectively). It stimulates cAMP production in CHO cells expressing rat CRF2α and mouse CRF2β (EC50s = 0.16 and 0.12 nM, respectively) as well as cultured anterior pituitary cells expressing endogenous CRF2β. Urocortin III is co-released with insulin to potentiate glucose-stimulated somatostatin release in vitro in human pancreatic β-cells.2 In vivo, urocortin III reduces food intake in a dose- and time-dependent manner in mice with a minimum effective dose (MED) of 0.3 nmol/animal.3 It increases swimming time in a forced swim test in mice, indicating antidepressant-like activity.4 References1. Lewis, K., Li, C., Perrin, M.H., et al. Identification of urocortin III, an additional member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family with high affinity for the CRF2 receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98(13), 7570-7575 (2001).2. van der Meulen, T., Donaldson, C.J., Cáceres, E., et al. Urocortin3 mediates somatostatin-dependent negative feedback control of insulin secretion. Nat. Med. 21(7), 769-776 (2015).3. Pelleymounter, M.A., Joppa, M., Ling, N., et al. Behavioral and neuroendocrine effects of the selective CRF2 receptor agonists urocortin II and urocortin III. Peptides 25(4), 659-666 (2004).4. Tanaka, M., Kádár, K., Tóth, G., et al. Antidepressant-like effects of urocortin 3 fragments. Brain Res. Bull. 84(6), 414-418 (2011).
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